The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Bucharest | ||
![]() The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Bucharestis the oldest (150 years), biggest and most appreciated agronomic university in the country. It is structured in seven faculties, master courses, doctor’s degree courses and post-graduate training courses are also organised. It has long distance education. The university holds an impressive material and logistic support (student hostels, sport hall, tennis court, a church inside the campus, mini race course, refectory – restaurant, pedagogic farms, etc. ) but it also has a valuable professional team. It has a scientific research department and lot of experience in making research – development projects and programmes at a national, European and bilateral international level. With a valuable scientific research, development and innovation potential, USAMV Bucharest made an impressive progress in involving teaching staff both in the development of research projects and the coordination of one’s own projects or co – partners in a wide diversity of national, international and bilateral research – development - innovation or training education programmes. Lot of managerial experience in leading, implementing or monitoring programmes and projects has been gained: - AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY – AGRAL – AND BIOTEHNOLOGY – BIOTECH – two programmes won and led by USAMV - TEMPUS (over 150 projects) - PROGRAME FINANŢATE DE BANCA MONDIALĂ (over 70 projects) - SOCRATES – ERAMUS (21 projects) - EUREKA (19 projects) - COST (12 projects) - LEONARDO ( 11 projects) - RELANSIN (over 200 projects) - CNCSIS (over 250 projects) - CALIST (12 projects) - ORIZONT 2000 ( 300 projects) - INFRANS - CORINT - FAIR - INCO COPERNICUS - PHARE Bilateral and multilateral programmes with Universities, Research Institutes or other institutes in Europe, Asia, America and Africa: Germany (Hohenheim University, Institut fur Planzenzuchtung Giessen etc.), England (University of Greenwich, Oxford University, King’s College London etc.), France (Institut National Agronomique Paris – Grinon, ENSA Rennes, ENSA Anger ş.a.etc.), Italy (Padova Universitaty, Milano Agronomic Institute etc.), Egypt (TANTA University etc.), Greece ( Agricultural University of Athens, Crete University etc.), Moldova Republic (Chişinău Agronomic University etc.), Belgium (Universite Libre Louvain – Neuve, Faculte de Sciences Agronomique Gembloux etc.), Finland, Scotland, Hungary, China, Canada etc. The most important elements of the University are: The wide diversity of staff as regards to age, work and effort capacity, to the experience gained in the process of leading projects and programmes (university tutors, professor’s assistants, lecturers and projects managers, scientific researchers, and professors who have developed and led grant programmes, PHG trainees or other CDI activities), and The academic structure, professional, balanced and valuable gained experience: - 9 full members or collaborators of the Romanian Academy; - 45 full members or collaborators of the “ Gheorghe Ionescu – Şişeşti” Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Academy; - 97 PHG leaders in the field of agronomy, food-industry and veterinary medicine; - 5 members of Medical Sciences Academy; - main Ist, IInd , IIIrd degree scientific researchers, research assistants; - distinguished young men with great capacity of work and desire of affirmation in research – development – innovation activities.
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